Sunday, 23 May 2010

Lovely Weather we're having

Phew! It is too hot to be outside today, we went out earlier on and the temp gauge in the car said it was 26.5 degrees..... so no gardening done today. I did however go around the garden taking some photos.

This is a shot from the back of the house down the garden towards the mini greenhouse, past the chimnea that is still awaiting its new position after its home was taken by the new greenhouse.

The tree at the right of the shot above is the apple.

Apple Tree
The apple is well established, having been in the garden for over 12 years. This is an eater and when the glut comes anything that we cannot eat straight away, is pulped and frozen ready to be added to winter porridge.

Another plant we rediscovered was the redcurrant, which I'd planted many years ago, and which had been neglected for many years. The plan is to harvest the fruit we've found this year, and then look after it properly, pruning, feeding etc this autumn/winter, so hopefully we'll get a better crop next year.

As you can see from the next picture, the dreaded hornbeam hedge is still a large task for us to tackle. At the moment it is casting a tremendous amount of shade, far too much. The picture shows only some of its height as I couldn't fit it all in! The plan is to cut it back and down gradually and burn the excess, as doing it all in one go is far too big a job.

The picture below shows how thick the hornbeam trunk is at the base. It is a very vigorous grower, and until we cleared the lower branches we hadn't realised just how chunky it had all become.

One final pic for now - we've had this old planter with spearmint in it for a long time, and it was like everything else in the garden, neglected. I cleared it out, scraped away the old soil and twigs and that, added new compost to help the little spearmint sproutings that have survived, and then decorated it with some stones that we already had, mainly to keep the cats off it (they do like to lie on the planter!) and to finish it off I added some glass beads. Just for fun!

Lots more pictures to add, and lots more to write, so I'll do it like we are sorting the garden - a bit at a time!

The Wolfies

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