Oh my Lord, almost a week and no blog! Got lots of catching up to do, and lots of new pics to add, so I'll get on with it.
We managed to obtain another recycling tub from a neighbour, and planted up our leeks, did exactly as the instructions said, and they are looking quite happy in their new home.
To my utter delight the french beans have popped up, not very big just yet, and not terribly strong at the moment but give them time.
Also, the supermarket garlic cloves that I planted as an experiment have sprouted very strongly, whoo hoo!
Also in the greenhouse are the cucumber seedlings and the chilli's and peppers, quietly growing and thriving. In the middle of the pic with the chillis is a pot containing a stray runner bean plant, it had barely sprouted when we planted the runners in the pot so I potted it to see what would happen and it survived! Just need to find a suitable pot for it now... very pleased :-)
Healthy wee cumbers!
Tonight's job was to pot up the basil and tumbler tomatoes, and pop the thyme into the herb bed. Felt really good getting back into the garden after a few days of heavy rain, and getting compost under my fingernails again.
The basil is looking a little floppy in the pic because it had only just been watered. Also in the pic are some radishes, they seem to be thriving too, excellent.
Here are the tumbler tomatoes, in the hanging baskets, now back up on the hooks.
Here is the finished herb bed, with the thyme from Lindsay in the bottom right corner.
Finally, a small creature comfort... we got some fabby solar lights from Poundland and have dotted them about the garden, this is the one in the mint pot, and showing the mini roses flowering, very pretty.
I think that's it, doesn't seem like a lot but it is tiny steps, and the fact that everything seems to be thriving is a huge thrill. I love our garden I really do.
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