Sunday, 13 July 2014

We want to be together

We are having a weekend together, without work getting in the way for a change. So Saturday we got up early and headed to the lotty, and planted out our swedes, along with the final 3 courgette plants - we just can't bear the thought of composting perfectly healthy seedlings!

As we were taking a few pics - we realised that we are chock-a-block full, we couldn't fit anything else in even if we wanted to!

So we thought it would be a good idea to make a note of the plants and varieties we have in down the lotty, for ourselves for future reference if nothing else.

We have:
5 Types of Beans:
 - Runner (3 varieties - Polestar, Butler and Enorma)
 - French - Borlotti Firetongue (Dwarf) and a climbing variety from last year's saved seeds
 - Broad - Bunyards Exhibition
 - Cannellino - bush bean Impero Bianco - (no wonder these aren't climbing, d'oh!)
 - Italian Yardlong

4 Types of Tomato:
- Moneymaker
- Gardener's Delight
- F1 Inca Plum
- Beef - Costoluto Genovese

4 Brassicas:
- Red Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Swede - Tweed
- Savoy Cabbage - January King

5 Types of Cucurbitaceae:
- Pumpkin (plants came from a friend but it's a big orange variety
- Winter Squash High Sugar Mixed
- Butternut Squash
- Courgette Cocozelle v. Tripolis (a stripey one)
- Courgette Zucchini (a plain green one)

3 Beetroot varieties:
- Boltardy
- Chioggia (a pink and white stripey one)
- Burpee Golden (a yellow one)

Sweetcorn - Mainstay

Leek - Musselburgh

A Rhubarb plant

Several Autumn Raspberres

A Blackcurrant

Oh and some Marigolds and Nasturtiums, as pollinator attractors, alledgedly, although the runner beans are in flower and the nasturtiums aren't!

So the plot is full, the pumpkin plants are going away great guns, the sweetcorn is developing well and growing into thick sturdy specimens, and the broad beans are flowering, as are the runners. All the recently planted brassicas look a bit feeble just yet, especially as they are planted so far apart... But that will change as they develop.

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